Re: [Aulinhas Gifs] E-mail de compilação para - 16 mensagens em 13 tópicos

Bom dia,

somente no final de semana é que irão instalar o programa no meu computador para que eu possa iniciar as aulinhas.
Agradeço imensamente pelo retorno.

Marli Fontes
Sto. André/SP

On Qua 16/03/11 05:01 , sent:


 Tópico: Jolie dolls
    Togali Mar 15 06:28PM -0300 ^


    Togali Mar 15 06:22PM -0300 ^


    Togali Mar 15 06:22PM -0300 ^


 Tópico: casal
    "Nelian" Mar 15 01:44PM -0300 ^


    "Nelian" Mar 15 10:59AM -0300 ^
    Tube de MissDaisy

    Por favor utiliza mi vista previa cuando compartas mi tube... gracias
    ~~~Términos de uso~~~
    Puedes compartir este tube con tus grupos, pero por favor
    no lo incluyas en ningún sitio para su venta o descarga...
    es solamente para uso no-comercial
    y te agradeceré que no cambies el nombre del archivo.
    Los tubes pueden ser utilizados en tutoriales y provistos en los materiales,
    mientras conserven su nombre, mi marca y no sean modificados.
    Todos los derechos de autor pertenecen a los respectivos artistas gráficos.
    No hay intención de infringir estos derechos.
    El tube es más grande que la vista previa y no tiene sombra.
    Please use my preview when sharing my tube... thanks
    ~~~Terms of Use~~~
    You may share this with your groups, but please
    do not include it in anything for sale or put
    it on a website for download...
    this is for non-commercial use only
    and thank you for respecting the file name.
    The tubes can be used for tutorials and you provide the tube with the tutorial
    as long as you keep the filename, watermark and tube as they are.
    All copyrights belong to the respective graphic artists.
    No copyright infringement is intended.
    Tube is larger than preview and do not have shadow.
    Curso: 2009-2010
    Mi web


    "Nelian" Mar 15 10:57AM -0300 ^


    "Nelian" Mar 15 10:56AM -0300 ^
    Huhu ihr Lieben,
    zu späten Abend bringe ich euch noch ein Betthupferle.
    Ich hoffe es gefällt euch.
    Danke für alle euren tollen Sendis.
    Ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Abend
    Knuddels Sharlimar
    sdt Tubes and Mist
    Neu***New***My Blog **Neu***New
    Thanks for looking & Feel free to share!

    My own Group
    Exclusive Tubes 4you

    House of Tutorials
    ICM Fun
    Bashali Tubes-Garden
    My Mask
    My Letterpage

    You are welcome to share my tubes,
    But please do not alter them in any way and leave filenames,copyrightlayer and watermark intact.
    If Copyrightlayer is present,please use them for your creations.
    All my tubes must be used for non profit and personal use.
    Do not offer them for download at any site and don't include them in any downloadpackages .
    Tubes can be used for tutorials and for the creations of stationary and tags.
    All copyrights belong to the respective artist and credit is given when known.
    Thank you
    ::All my files are only free for no-profit::


    Fonts: ComicSans MS * Letter by Sharlimar Graphics
    General permission artist
    Used according to terms
    My Tutoriale * My Group * My Blog * My Letter
    Learning-Group for Scrollis
    Please don`t rip my letter.
    They are for Incredimail users only

    unsere anderen gruppen
    nur moderatoren senden


    Ihre Mail-Einstellungen: Einzelne Mails | Klassisch
    Einstellungen per Internet ändern (Yahoo!-ID erforderlich)
    Einstellungen: Zustellung in "Tägliche Zusammenfassung" ändern | In "Mit allen Funktionen" ändern
    Besuchen Sie Ihre Group | Nutzungsbedingungen von Yahoo! Groups | Abonnement kündigen


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