imagens e coisinhas para PSP
nada de outros materiais, jogos, pps, musica etc etc etc,
seja bem-vinda!
On Mar 18, 3:43 pm, ladychatterly <> wrote:
> Hello! This is just a little shout-out to Aulinha Gif Members who may
> recall Wanessa's blog had an excellent range of digital scrapbook
> shares and was always a reliable source of high quality. I am finding
> that on the major share sites, a lot of freebies are offered - but
> that is about it. Is there somewhere else I am missing - LOL! Would
> people like to see more kits posted here - as I could offer some but I
> would prefer an exchange and community feedback on whether this would
> even be appreciated as I understand PSP tagging is also the purpose of
> this group.
> So, I just wanted to know who is interested in sharing digi kits?
> Thanks
> Miss Chatterly * shy smile*
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